How do you get kids to eat vegetables without a fight?
Get them to grow their own.
We’re not talking Chia Pet, but real garden vegetables that can be made into a favorite dish – pizza, tacos, stir fry, or ratatouille.
Growums are gardening kits designed especially for children 5-12 years old. Super Chef‘s 10-year old tester got a Pizza Garden that comes in a small cup – small enough to not need much space. Inside are eight pellets, four packs of seeds, and easy instructions. The pellets miraculously expand in warm water. Each one gets three seeds, and then out into the sunshine to grow.
This particular kit came with oregano, sweet pepper, tomato, and basil seeds – others include cilantro, eggplant and parsley. It is very tricky to put some of the tinier seeds into the pods – something smaller fingers can do better then larger ones. Because the pods are self-contained, there is no mess, until the seedlings are ready to transplant outdoors in pots or the ground. Since veggies sprout quickly, its fun to watch the action.
Meantime, Growums had a nifty website with videos of cartoon veggie characters – Bella Peppa, Regan O., and Baby Basil – who explain how to grow the vegetables, along with games, and plenty of tips on raising veggies. It might take a while until there are vegetables to harvest, so the cartoons can keep kids going.
If your kids are ready to do more then just watch mung beans sprout in a jar, then Growums are a fun first step in gardening – and liking eating vegetables.