Let Michelle Obama take care of the crusade against obesity in America: Jamie Oliver is needed urgently in the developing world.
The BBC reported last week that scientists are warning that Asian consumers are developing type 2 diabetes at alarming rates.
A study by Australian and Vietnamese scientists found about 11% of men and 12% of women in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City had undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. This was in addition to the 4% of people who had been diagnosed.
Scientists believe that the culprit is fast food that is gaining in popularity throughout Asia, changing people’s diets drastically. Type 2 diabetes can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, and loss of vision.
Read the full article here. (The article depicts the store front of Asian mega fast-food chain, Jollibee.)
Press release:
Garvan Institute
(Images of Jamie Oliver by Toby Wilkinson at Michael Collins Caricature Awards and of Jollibee logo from Wikipedia
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