Lindt USA recently announced a partnership with the Culinary Institute of America (CIA). What better way to hook young chefs onto Lindt’s chocolates? And since the partnership also includes the CIA Food Enthusiast Course, Lindt will be winning over plenty of chocoholics.
There are three parts to the partnership according to the press release:
• A Scholarship Contest for CIA Students:
Using the Lindt EXCELLENCE collection of high cocoa percentage bars and innovative flavor combinations as inspiration, students will develop and produce a new chocolate bar to be reviewed by an esteemed judging panel of CIA chef instructors and representatives from Lindt.
• CIA Food Enthusiast Course: This includes both lectures at Dessert Boot Camp, and samples of chocolate for 6,100 attendees.
• CIA Classroom Chocolate:
Lindt will donate nearly 2,000 pounds of its premium chocolate to be integrated into the educational curriculum.
The CIA wins by getting fine chocolate for its programs, the students win with opportunities to work with, and get inspired by Lindt chocolates, and we all win when these students graduate and start making chocolates for us. The only losers are potentially all the other chocolate companies that didn’t pony up to partner with the CIA. Of course, you can never have too much chocolate….