Food and cooking are increasingly part of gender politics.
Marcus Samuelsson has put himself in the middle of societal debate with the launch last week of his food website for men: Food Republic. Think of it as GQ meets The Food Network Magazine. The manly articles range from “Best Basic Steak Sauce Recipe”, to Talking with Martina Topley Bird, and Cocktail: The Profile Pic. Hardly he-man stuff, but still the slant is towards booze, meat, and the sexualization or genderization of food.
For a little perspective, contrast this to the role food, marketing, and publicity have in our society as a whole. Here are Susie Orbach, Abi and Emma Moore of Pink Stinks, MPs Jo Swinson and Lynne Featherstone, Sharon Haywood and others from the Endangered Species Summit held in London in March, part of a series of summits to be held around the world timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day.
Endangered Species LONDON – Highlights from Elena Rossini on Vimeo.
(Image of Susie Orbach from The Guardian)