The Pays du Perche‘s September issue, Le Gout du Perche, celebrates the produce and purveyors that make the region a model for chefs whose mantra is local, organic, and bountiful.
Super Chef has been monitoring the rise of this gastronomic gem (see “Glynwood Apple Exchange“). The Parc Regional Naturel du Perche in lower Normandy is a magical region of hedge-lined rolling fields, apple trees, ancient fortified castles, and stone villages that compete for the best public flower displays. The region boasts some of the best Calvados, Pommeau, and Apple Cidre, as well as escargot, pork products, pastries and chocolates. Farmers in le Perche are dedicated to reviving and preserving traditional ways of working the land, whether it is with the noble Percheron horse, or baking proper baguette du Perche, there seems to be a respect for food and tradition that is more widespread and deeper than anywhere else in France.
Pays du Perche is full of special finds from the best boudin noir to the best Galette des Rois. There are articles on apple cidre tourism, the markets of le Perche, and up-and-coming chefs.
Editor-in-Chief Nathalie Fey writes:
Mesurons notre chance: nous pouvons, dans le Perche, choisir de nous nourir exclusivement de denrees produites sur place, dans ses ferme quie nous pouvons vister, par des agriculteurs qui aiment leur metier et avec lesquels des liens peuvent se tisser. Voire de nous alimenter uniquements de produits isssus de l’agriculture biologique locale, augmentant notre regalade d’une preservation de notre sante et de l’environement. Mieux, la plupart de ces aliments sont d’une qualite exceptionelle.
Roughly translated:
Consider how lucky we are in le Perche: we can choose to nourish ourselves exclusively with locally produced food, from farms we can visit, from farmers who love their profession and with whom links are forged. We can even choose to eat only local organic produce, preserving our health and the health of the environment. Better still, most of these foods are an exceptional quality.
Who needs a guidebook?
Get a copy of the September Pays du Perche magazine and plan your next holiday in France!
(Click here for more information.)
Thank you Superchef and welcome to américans in Perche !