Here is a shortlist of Super Chef‘s favorite cookbooks and books about food for gift-giving this year, chosen among many excellent contenders.< blockquote>
Food Fiction:
Day of Honey(buy)
Annia Ciezadlo
Young Children:
Baby and Toddler Cookbook (buy)
Ansel & Ferreira
Older Children:
Candy Makers (buy)
Wendy Mass
New Cook:
River Cottage Everyday (buy)
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Foreign Cuisine:
Purple Citrus & Sweet Perfume (buy)
Silvena Rowe:
Kansha: Celebrating Japan’s Vegan and Vegetarian Traditions (buy)
Elizabeth Andoh
Essential Pepin (buy)
Jacques Pepin
Single Ingredient/Technique:
Odd Bits (buy)
Jennifer McLagan
Dessert Cookbook:
Lily Vanilli in A Zombie Ate My Cupcake (buy)
Lily Vanilli
Stocking Stuffer:
Apples are from Kazakhstan (buy)
Christopher Robbins
Celebrity Chef
Good Eats 3 (buy)
Alton Brown
For those with strong chef aspirations and hearts (desirous) of gold, we recommend Super Chef.